We Install a New President.

 bobAt Lunch on the 3rd of July, we installed Norman Wicks as our new President for the year 2023/24. After lunch and the loyal toast, Bob Hull thanked the club and the club council for the support they had given him during his year of office, he then handed over the Presidential Chain to Norman. Norman then installed, with difficulty, Nick Rossiter as the President Elect.install
Norman then outlined his aims for the year and emphasized the need to build on the work Bob had done to ensure we fulfilled our ambitions for the year. He made the point that besides our fund raising and other activities we must ensure that Rotary is fun.
PPBadgeNorman then thanked Bob for everything he had done uring his year and presented him with his Past President’s badge.
The lunch was memorable, not only for the Presidential handover, but it was the first meal in our new venue. The move had been very smooth and Nick Rossiter and his team had worked hard to ensure its success. Certainly the meal was excellent and enjoyed by all.